2006 shaping up to be a fantastic year...
everything going off all at once:
so let me get this straight- we're about to have a constitutional crisis. we're in the middle of a war within an interminable war (and about to bomb iran). we're essentially broke, in hock to china. and now the russians are ramping up their nuke programs again?
that's what i call leadership! bring on the champagne!
impeach jesus!
ahh, that feeling... you know the one.
maybe you get chills, or goose bumps. or maybe you just have the feeling that you're "not alone."
you know what that is?
that's jesus, spying on you. yep. it's jesus, conducting an illegal spiritual wiretap on your ass, and there's nothing you can do about it. and he's gonna keep doing it. because he's more powerful than santa claus. and you know what santa claus can do.
there are at least 30 million people in america that might feel that it's completely alright for jesus to watch your every move. jesus knows what you look like naked. and they're fine with that. jesus doesn't care about the constitution. jesus was around long before the constitution ever existed.
hell, for all they know, jesus coulda freakin' wrote the constitution.
because jesus has a hand in everything. jesus made america. that's it. i said it. i wish i'd realized that before now but well, it took me moving to australia to finally get it. because i don't meet anyone from any other country that thinks jesus had anything to do with their country's creation.
and no, i've never met anyone from the vatican.
little did you know, but jesus and the holy ghost used to have equal powers, along with god. but god became almost ceremonial years ago, practically window-dressing in the world of spiritual power. jesus used to have to ask god if he could do things like enter people's souls, or create countries, but now he just does it without asking. after that, jesus and the holy ghost had a power struggle, and of course jesus won. the holy ghost was supposed to be watching jesus, making sure he didn't get out of line and start acting like a king or something crazy like that. but the holy ghost was sympathetic to jesus also, practically rubber-stamping everything jesus wanted to do. the holy ghost trusted jesus. nobody thought jesus was going for all the marbles, did they?
all i'm saying is that jesus has extraordinary powers, for a dead guy... who never mentioned once that he wanted people to worship him, or start a religion based on his teachings. just think if he had nukes, or a star wars program.
oh. i guess he does.
on ideological, illogical wars...
having to do with drug culture and the so-called war on drugs in particular,
some recommended reading:
(authored by the former police chief of seattle. he advocates legalizing all drugs)
(by one garrison keillor. 8 years for murder vs. a life sentence for growing pot...?)
we sure do like to waste money on the fundamentalist agenda.
people need to start standing up to the hardline religious freaks. they're not just ruining a country, they're ruining a world.
separation of church and state?
how about separation of religion and society?
clearly religion -- not faith, or morality, mind you -- has done this world more harm than good.
i am an apostate.
my housemates are having sex right now
yep. time to put on some music and do some bloggin'.
got a lot of things on my mind lately. very busy.
been thinking about copyright. and opposition parties.
and the drug culture. and music.
and sedition laws. and a woman.
probably should have put that last one first.
on copyright: how about overhauling all copyright on all artwork and literature completely, in favor of a system modeled after the audio home recording act of 1992? the article i've linked to begins:
Contrary to what the RIAA wants you to believe, it appears that making a copy of an audio recording may be perfectly legal in the US, even if you don't own the original recording, as long as it is for noncommercial purposes.
how about that? according to the act, there are already surcharges on digital recording devices and medium that are paid into a musical works fund. so any time you buy a hard drive or a cd burner, or blank cd's for that matter, you're already contributing to a fund that is distributed to record labels, publishers and songwriters yearly. something like this could extend to art and literature in the form of a similar surcharge on paper, printer toner, photocopy machines and other printing equipment. then the copyright authorities (which includes me) could focus on actual infringements for commercial gain, rather than wasting time hunting down university students who just want to download new music or artwork for their dorm rooms (or their websites).
incidentally, this witch hunt the riaa is on is a sham -- the system is already in place to allow for the public consumption of music online. just track the downloads and pay the royalties accordingly, i say. who's going to tell the public they already have the license to copy?!
speaking of opposition parties (was i?), here i am with opposition member peter garrett-
peter, for those that don't know, was for years the lead singer of the australian band midnight oil. there are now rumors circulating that he could be in a position of leadership by the time the next elections roll around. this would be most welcome news for labor voters who have most recently suffered through a host of walking, talking psychoses in labor leadership.
it would also be good news for me, because not only do i have this badass picture, i have some old signed midnight oil memorabilia from a 1993 concert in atlanta.
i also personally think that mr garrett would be an excellent party leader, and leader of a country, if that's the next logical step, though it would be good for him to get a bit more used to the political tradewinds. he's still catching up to his new life as a 'pollie', near as i could tell.
by the way, mr garrett and i talked about copyright. we also talked about the exxon valdez wreck in prince william sound, alaska, 1989. he noted that exxon has still only paid less than 10% of the $6.5 billion in punitive damages they owe from that oil spill. one interesting thing that i would add to that is how ironic it is that exxonmobil would have been able to pay that off with their third quarter profits from 2005 alone. with $3 billion to spare.
life must be tough at exxon.
and what of the drug culture, music, sedition laws...
and that woman?
well, next time, perhaps.